Thursday 31 January 2019

How to use meta analyser in the online learning ?

In the era of technology, today’s educational institutes are needed to be online learning and education based. In this series of progress, many computer oriented tools and courses are being prepared, which are very helpful in enhancing the knowledge of students.
One fact has come in the point that the web based learning environment has been successful for the students to participate in the subject and to learn in a joyful environment. In the recent years, the information gathering processes and initiatives have come in existence. People are going for the websites which are full of useful information.
Students develop the in-depth learning and understanding about a concept after learning on them on the internet. For researchers and data scientists, it becomes very important to study about the online behaviour methods adopted by the learners and students.
To solve the data analysis purpose, Meta-Analyzer software is used. This software is a group of the different modules like - search engine module, presentation module, learning recording and analysis module etc.
There is a separate credential provided to the each & every student. By logging into software, in the search module, a student or learner can ask about the topic by typing into the keyword and the search module shows the relevant documents from the search engine. If a document is highly relevant to the searcher, he can also bookmark it.  

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online exam software - smartoas by lucid outsourcing

What is the role of the data object access file in coldfusion ?

A DAO (data access object) is a file, in which a user can update the database and perform the interaction with it. In brief, DAO file is an object oriented design pattern, in which the business utility is mixed with the database.
A DAO always work in interaction with the bean objects to save data in form of records in a larger database. A database can be in the form of XML, PDF, txt, CSV or any other form of storage media.   
A data access object file is always useful in performing the CRUD tasks -
C - creating the data record
R - read the data record
U - update a record
D - delete a record
To fulfill the purpose of data access object is to interact with given datasource, first of all it is essential for the DAO is to know the details of the datasource. To complete this task, datasource name is passed into string variables and username credentials are also passed to connect the database with the code.
A separate object is implemented into the init () method, which works as a blueprint for the database connections. In the bean utility, there are separate properties used to access the username, data source and password.

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Wednesday 30 January 2019

What are the main components of the coldfusion framework ?

Polymorphism is also an important concept of object oriented concept of object oriented programming which is also in existence since the time of C++ inception. According to this concept, the object inherited methods and functions of parent class can be used in a multiple of ways in an application. This is an advanced method of inheritance.
Composition is an another important concept, which comes under the object oriented framework of coldfusion. In this process, many objects make a single object which can work by using the values of its parent objects. This object can call all the declared functions and properties and use them in a different way.
It is always necessary component to remember in the object oriented programming framework that a base class does necessarily have its own essential component which is necessarily its object. It is also called as “has a” relationship like a car-engine relationship. A car has necessarily an engine but an engine can not necessarily have a car.
One additional point of ownership can always be found from the concept of composition. A base class has complete control on the components like - methods and properties. Without it, no components can survive. Like - without a car no engine, wheels, AC is meaningful.
Aggregation is generally considered as the opposite concept of composition. Just like a car is needed to have a driver to move but the driver is not necessary to be the same person every time. In the object oriented framework, the object can reference the other objects, but they are not necessary to exist.
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What is the difference b/w the online and offline examinations ?

The evolution of internet learning has changed the way to the learning and education. From offline classes, books and lectures, the education is being shifted to the online emails, presentations, tutorials and online examinations. Now each and every thing has its own pros and cons the internet exams has also some disadvantages in compared to the online exams.
  • In the online exams, internet has been the biggest issue because if the internet server is down so there is a danger of losing all the answers form which were submitted by the students wherever offline exams has no issue like this.

  • It is necessary to have an instructor present at the online exam center. Because it is very tough to remove the fear of cheating in the online examinations wherever in the offline examinations, a physical instructor is always present to stop cheating.

  • In the offline examination scenario, the student also have to be present on the center before the examination starting time, wherever in online exams, students can also give it from home.

  • In the offline examinations, there is always a danger of the paper leakage before the examination but there is no such dangers in the online examinations.

  • In the online examinations, it becomes comfortable for the physically disabled students wherever in the offline examinations, it becomes so difficult for the students to reach and write on paper.  
There are much more cons and pros of the online and offline examinations both, but there is need to get aware from all of those so that the corrective actions can be taken away at the right time. It will be sufficient to say at the last that the online exams have been succeeded in reducing the infrastructure and extra resources need.

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online assessment software - smartoas by lucid outsourcing

Tuesday 29 January 2019

What are the problems of the companies while implementing online exam software for interviews ?

When in this 21st century, where technology changes within a click, it is getting a different process for the HR managers to hire the top notch talent. Business growth is possible only due to the top aspiring candidates who not only want to innovate something new but also can stay in a company for a long period of time.

Gone are the days, where money dealing was considered as the foremost driver for the long term survival of the candidate. There are hectic check lists available for the HR manager which are not sufficient to hire the top notch candidates. It is really necessary to adopt the appropriate online examination system software to find out the desired candidate.

So then why companies are not able to get these online examination system software ?

The answers can be many !

The number one reason is lack of funds. Yes, companies don’t consider it necessary to purchase this software because it is waste to spend the huge bucks to purchase the complete package just for mere to hire someone. It is somewhere right but it can also give the big strategic advantage to the organization.

One another challenge is in the way of adopting new technologies is to replace them or support with the existing technologies. To replace existing technology is not possible every time with the new one. So companies don’t consider it necessary to adopt the new technology.

The last and the most important problem is to delay in implementation in new tech by the IT staff. The major reason is the workplace environment. The workplace members don’t want to learn new technology because of their busy schedule. This often creates interruption and delays in the implementation of technology.      

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What is inheritance of the coldfusion framework ?

Inheritance is one of the ancient concept of object oriented programming concept which was generally popularised in the C++ and Java. In it, an object gets the access to the properties of the another class object. The object getting access to the property is called as child and the access giving class is also known as parent class.

Inheritance is generally used to stop the code duplication. In a general coldfusion environment, a super base class is generally generated and many properties, functions and methods are declared in it. The access of that class is provided by the child class. It is also known as the sub class.
For example - a book is an entity, then in coldfusion, there will be three properties -

These properties will be similar for other classes pertaining different entities like - CD, DVD, gadget etc. So here in this example, book is a

super/parent class but the CD, DVDs are the main child class. By the different objects, we can access the different properties of the “book” parent class.  
Sometimes a function is used within the child class which is also similar to a function defined in the base class, and the method is used in that child class, the method is called the overridden function and the process is called function overriding.

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Monday 28 January 2019

What is the role of the disadvantages of the online exam software environment ?

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Online exam software is used to take a test online. They also help in the assessing the skills and qualification of students by variety of questions. In an online exam, different type of questions are prepared in which multiple options and direct questions are prepared. The students are provided a link of portal and they are prepared for the examination. The result is acquired within a couple of days.
Advantages -
  • reduction of time and cost in institutes
  • less hazzles for both the students and teachers
  • reduction of printing and paper expenditures
  • tests can be taken from any remote distance
  • students are provided separate question banks
Disadvantages -
  • There is full time for students to find the answer on internet.
  • open ended questions are provided to students so there is no autogradation facility
  • online exam software is very easily approachable for fraud
  • No auto-checking facility is there, teachers have to check the question banks themselves.
  • students will be available on their own device, so there is nobody to check them

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online exam software - smartoas by lucid outsourcing

What is the use of the coldfusion mutators and accessors in framework ?

When a constructor method does have the arguments, but they are not needed to be passed after creation, then this method is known as the “no-argument constructor”. To make a constructor with no arguments, we have to use required = “false” and the default value becomes zero.
When an object is created for a CFC component, then it is needed to create variables within the adjacent CFC. The variable scope is default private, so it can’t be modified from anywhere. To get or provide the value from a property, two special methods are declared. Setters and accessors are used to complete this task.
The methods which provide value to the variables, are called as setters/mutators. To declare the setter method, set() and replacing() methods are used in coldfusion framework. The default parameters value is required = “true” so because value can be passed as argument to the property.
The getter/accessor methods are used to retrieve the value from the property. Its overall syntax is similar to the setter method. There is no value passed because getter method directly reads the value from the property and returns it back to the user.
All properties defined in a project code can have its different getters and setters functions and they help in making the property completely encapsulated. They also help application user toi get their data from the object with minimal interruption. It also helps in managing the code from one place only.

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Friday 25 January 2019

What is the effect of E-Learning in the professional environment ?

Learning is an active phenomenon, in which a learner gets new conceptual knowledge and gets change in his practicised behaviour. Learning effect only takes place, in which the acquired skill and knowledge is properly implemented in the behaviour of learner.
The focus to provide the learning in organizations is to shift employees from doing operations by instructional approach to do operations by learning. It is also considerable that since 2009, ISO - 9000 institute also includes in their certificates that how organizations measure the output of their employees.    

How E-Learning improves the effects the learning process -
E-Learning is defined as the process in which knowledge is processed and gained via electronic mediums like - social media networking tools and web forums. It is a very modern concept welcomed to India since 1990s.  
E-Learning improves the skills and behaviour of an individual in a number of ways because of many aspects - social gathering, proper feedback, stimulation of mindsets and tailored instructions. The biggest benefit of adopting the E-learning is to increase the interaction of learner to the practical environment.  

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online assessment software - smartoas by lucid outsourcing

What is the role of the bean in coldfusion development ?

A bean is a coldfusion component, which can store and return a data record, when an application needs. Generally it is derived from the most popular object oriented programming language - Java.
A bean is generally written for the entity or object in terms of development. An object can be anything - a car, person, place, event or thing. At a time, a bean can only collect information about an entity.
The biggest benefit of using the bean is that it can completely store the data about an object and it can also be used at multiple of places when needed. There is no need to create extra variables & objects for the similar entities and it becomes a container to hold data. It helps in saving the extra memory space.
Because of, the coldfusion framework is a OOPs language, the object representation is done by using the UML (unified modeling language). It is defined under object oriented programming, in which all the object and other interrelated entities information flow is shown by graphical format.  
There are two things considerable for defining a bean -
  • The class should have a publically specified constructor.
  • The class properties should be easily accessible within the whole application.    
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Thursday 24 January 2019

WHy to hire coldfusion developers by taking the meta data of the code ?

The coding documentation is very necessary and useful because it ensures the longevity and usefulness of the component. In additional, this documentation can be used again while it is needed. It is helpful in the larger team environment and the confusions and purpose of the code can be alleviated easily.
In coldfusion framework, the development of custom meta data is provided to the end user and developer. The purpose of creating the metadata in a method (function) is to provide the value to the function developed by the application developer. It enhances the documentation availability of the application.
The biggest quality of the meta attributes is that they have no impact on the working of properties, functions and methods. They also cannot be viewed by the CFC explorer in introspection. The meta data usually shows the information pertaining the object. There are 2 methods to show the metadata -
  • getmetadata ()
  • getcomponentmetadata ()
getmetadata () is used to retrieve the metadata attributes of any functions defined in the application. In the parameter of the function, the expression of an object is passed as a parameter.   

getcomponentmetadata () is used to retrieve the metadata of an object, functions, properties and methods and it is similar to the working of getmetadata (). The overall difference is that this method can also be used to take the instance of the object which isn’t defined.
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What is the role of knowledge management and elearning in Indian education system ?

Knowledge Management and elearning has evolved in the early 1980s, in which they have stimulate the knowledge economy in the businesses and organizations. The basic motive of the knowledge management is to stimulate the environment of innovation with in the external and internal environment of the organization.
Both KM ( Knowledge Management ) and digital learning invite the culture of self learning and knowledge transfer. It deals with the three types of techniques -
  • knowledge based
  • learner based
  • community based
In the knowledge based approach, it is emphasized that a learner should get all the required study material at the right time and from anywhere.
In the learner based approach, a teacher or specialized person is always available to give the required knowledge to the learner and student.
In the community based approach, the approach is generally the mixture of the knowledge and learner based approach.
In the knowledge based approach it is emphasised that the personal decision making of the learner should increase and also in the learner and community based approach, it is more emphasised that a proper knowledge sharing system should be established within the organization.

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online exam software - smartoas by lucid outsourcing

Wednesday 23 January 2019

how to get the metadata of the functions in the coldfusion framework ?

The coding documentation is very necessary and useful because it ensures the longevity and usefulness of the component. In additional, this documentation can be used again while it is needed. It is helpful in the larger team environment and the confusions and purpose of the code can be alleviated easily.
In coldfusion framework, the development of custom meta data is provided to the end user and developer. The purpose of creating the metadata in a method (function) is to provide the value to the function developed by the application developer. It enhances the documentation availability of the application.
The biggest quality of the meta attributes is that they have no impact on the working of properties, functions and methods. They also cannot be viewed by the CFC explorer in introspection. The meta data usually shows the information pertaining the object. There are 2 methods to show the metadata -
  • getmetadata ()
  • getcomponentmetadata ()
getmetadata () is used to retrieve the metadata attributes of any functions defined in the application. In the parameter of the function, the expression of an object is passed as a parameter.   

getcomponentmetadata () is used to retrieve the metadata of an object, functions, properties and methods and it is similar to the working of getmetadata (). The overall difference is that this method can also be used to take the instance of the object which isn’t defined.

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What is the role of the coldfusion explorer in making screenshots of source code elements ?

Introspection is a way or medium, in which the snapshot of the complete source code is taken. It is helpful in the large development teams and very useful when developers have the need of finding the appropriate code when needed.
There are following methods used in introspection -
CFC explorer -
CFC explorer is our first introspection medium, in which a separate login facility is provided to the end user. This is an effective way to provide only authorised administrator end users to see the current coldfusion data. CFC explorer is an effective medium to show data directly to the end user.
Component doc -
This explorer directly reads all your components of an application and it can also inspect and review the chosen element. It is easily navigable and readable too and it shows all the information in multi fragmented windows.
These tools can help you in showcasing your coding elements. It is necessary to be well documented, well - coded and well - commented to be in understable format. It is also mandatory to mention here that it depends on your needs, team environment and learning abilities that how you can use this tool.  

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Monday 21 January 2019

What are the access specifiers in the coldfusion framework ?

The access properties are the methods which decides that what data can be accessed by the services or which can not be. Thus access properties can decide the flow of the data access in an application.
There are many access properties and attributes in coldfusion framework, which can give you the permission to integrate the data of an application with the other platforms like - flash and flex. There are following access specifiers in the coldfusion framework -
Private -
This access specifier tells that only the authentified coldfusion application and component can access the data. Outer function, methods and properties cannot access the private method and function.
Package -
This is one step further access specifier from private. In it, only the scope incoming methods and variables will be able to use the function. It opens up the methods and data to other functions.
Public -   
It is the default access specifier of the coldfusion framework and OOPS concept. This option allows the application services and properties to use the inscope function data.
Remote -
It is the most open access specifier of coldfusion framework. Only in the coldfusion defined functions and parameters but also the other web services and applications can also access the data of a remote defined function.

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What are the types of coldfusion elements in CFML ?

There are two type of functions in the coldfusion markup language - custom tags and user defined functions. In CFML, the grouping of the similar functions and user defined tags can be done because sometimes functions are used at various places in an application as per  according to their use and purpose. It is helpful in keeping the memory saved and library management easy.
To create a component in the coldfusion programming, there are following tags used for the coldfusion like -
cfcomponent - to define the component structure
cffunction - creates functions within the cfcomponent
cfargument - creates arguments and parameters to the predefined function
cfproperty - to define the properties and methods within the component
Class -
In any object oriented programming language, the class has the different scope of work. A class is considered as an entity which is always represented by its object. A class is generally considered the home of the different methods & variables and it has also a separate role in CFML.
Methods -
A method is generally considered as the other component of the CFML language. Generally a separate method does not do anything. To make it workable, separate functions are needed to call in a method.       
Object -
An object is considered as the instance of a class. In CFML, it is created by using the cffunction tag and createobject() is used to declare the object of a class.  

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